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Memorials for the Victims of National Socialism and Fascism in Vienna
List of sites of memory, monuments, plaques etc. for the victims of National
Socialism and Fascism in Vienna
Published by the research team "Commemoration and Exhortation in Vienna"
at the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) in Vienna
Information about the initiative "Stones of Remembrance"
"Commemoration and Exhortation in
Since 1945, numerous monuments and sites of memory in Vienna serve as reminders
of the victims of the eras of Nazi despotism (1938–1945) and the Austrian
authoritarian corporate state (1934–1938). Monuments such as the Memorial
Stone of the City of Vienna for the Victims of Fascism (1948) and the Memorial
of the Republic of Austria for the Austrian Struggle for Freedom (1965) commemorate
the victims of the Austrian resistance against National Socialism.
Signs of a new culture of commemoration for the victims of the Holocaust have
been coining the public space of the Austrian capital since the 1980‘s.
The most significant monuments, which are also of artistic value, include
Alfred Hrdlicka‘s Memorial Against War and Fascism, located at the Albertinaplatz
(1988), and Rachel Whiteread's Holocaust Memorial at the Judenplatz (2000).
Yet, not only these memorials with a high public visibility make today's Vienna
into a 'City of Remembrance of Nazi Atrocities.' In recent years numerous
memorials (monuments, plaques, street names, etc.) were dedicated to the victims
of Nazism, especially those Austrian Jews, who where murdered and expelled.
Memorials in Vienna
A selection of commemoration sites in Vienna
Photos: Claudia Kuretsidis-Haider
Copyright Verein zur Erforschung nationalsozialistischer Gewaltverbrechen und deren Aufarbeitung
against War and Fascism
1010, Albertinaplatz
Stone for Members of the Vienna Fire Brigade
1010, Am Hof 10 (head office of the Vienna Fire Brigade)
Plaque of the Austrian Franciscan Province in the entrance room of the Antonius
1010, Franziskanerplatz 4 (Franciscan Church)
Room for the Victims of the Austrian Struggle for Freedom in the Crypt of
the Exterior Gate of the Hofburg
1010, Heldenplatz, New Exterior Gate
for more than 65.000 Austrian victims of the Holocaust
1010, Judenplatz, Holocaust Mahnmal
Plaque of the Archdiocese Vienna at Judenplatz
1010, Judenplatz 6
Plaque of the Viennese Jewish Community at Judenplatz
1010, Judenplatz
for the Victims of Nazi Despotism at Morzinplatz, former location of the Hotel
Metropol, which served as headquarters of the Vienna Gestapo in the years
1010, Morzinplatz
Plaque with the names of twelve Members of Parliament who were murdered by
the Nazis
1010, Dr. Karl Renner-Ring 3
for the Victims of the Austrian Struggle for Freedom in the years 1938–1945
/ Dokumentation Centre of Simon Wiesenthal
1010, Salztorgasse 6 (Leopold Figl-Hof)
Plaque of the Head Office of the Federal Police in Vienna for Police Officers
Murdered in the Nazi Era
1010, Schottenring 7–9 (1st
floor, foyer to the Auditorium)
Plaques in the Synagogue in Seitenstettengasse
1010, Seitenstettengasse 4: Memorial Plaque in the entrance hall commemorating
the employees and functionaries of the Jewish Community murdered on racist
and political grounds in the years 1938–1945 / Memorial Plaques in the
entrance hall ( Memorial Plaque for the deceased Chief Rabbis of Vienna who
in the past had performed their duties in the Central Synagogue, among them
Dr. Israel Taglicht, 1936–1938; Memorial Plaque commemorating the men,
women, and children who lost their lives in the years 1938–1945) / Memorial
Room for the Austrian Victims of the Holocaust in the Synagogue in Seitenstettengasse
/ Plaque in memory of all the workers and employees of the Jewish Community
who died as victims of Nazi atrocities in Vienna
in St. Stephan’s Cathedral
1010 Wien, Stephansplatz: Memorial for Victims of Concentration Camps in the
Barbara Chapel in St. Stephan’s Cathedral / Memorial Plaque for the
Austrian Resistance Movement explaining the “O5”-sign as secret
symbol of Austrian resistance at the façade of St. Stephan’s
Cathedral (to the right of the Giant’s Gate)
Plaque commemorating the Jewish men and women, who were murdered by the SS
in Förstergasse shortly before the liberation of Vienna
1020, Förstergasse 7 (The grave of the victims is at the Central Cemetery
Entrance IV, 1110 Vienna, Simmeringer Hauptstr. 244)
Column for ‘The Righteous’, Im Werd in Leopoldstadt (2nd
municipal district)
1020, Im Werd/at the corner of Leopoldgasse
Stone commemorating Mexico’s protest against the "Anschluss",
Austria’s annexation to the German Reich, in 1938
1020, Mexikoplatz (Memorial Stone (with the national escutcheons of Mexico
and Austria)
Plaque commemorating the Leopoldstädter Synagogue which was destroyed
during Crystal Night
1020, Tempelgasse 5 ()apartment complex of the Jewish Community Vienna
commemorating the tens of thousands of Austrian Jewish men and women, who
were deported from the former Aspang Railway Station to concentration camps
where they were murdered, in the years 1939–1942
1030, Platz der Opfer der Deportation (Place of the Victims of Deportation)
Monument for the soldiers of the Red Army, who liberated Vienna
1030, Schwarzenbergplatz
Restituta-Court, Memorial Plaque commemorating the resistance fighter Sr.
Maria Restituta (nee Helene Kafka)
1050, Margaretenstraße 105 (municipal housing area)
Plaques for the members of Catholic-Conservative resistance groups in the
cloisters of the Minorite Monastery
1080, Alser Straße 17
for Victims of Nazi-Judiciary in the Provincial Criminal Court of Vienna
1080, Landesgerichtsstraße 11 (Memorial Plaques with the names of 536
victims of the Nazi-judiciary in the former execution room in the Provincial
Criminal Court of Vienna / Memorial Plaque for 13 Slovene victims from the
province of Carinthia in the sanctimony of the former execution room in the
Provincial Criminal Court of Vienna / Memorial Plaque of the Austrian Human
Rights League on the Façade of the Provincial Criminal Court of Vienna)
of the Austrian Union for Catholic Students in Uniform who were murdered by
the Nazis
1080, Lerchenfelderstraße 14
Plaque for Elise Richter, the first woman to be habilitated in Austria, Professor
for Romanics at the University of Vienna, who was murdered in Theresienstadt
(Terezín Ghetto)
1090, Spitalgasse 2-4, University campus "Altes AKH", Romanistisches
Institut (Institute for Romanic Studies at the University of Vienna)
Plaque commemorating members of the Czech and Slovak minorities in Austria
who were murdered as members of the resistance movement
1100, Leibnitzgasse 10 (Shoe Store “Reno”)
for the victims of Fascism in the years 1934–1945 on Reumannplatz
1100, Reumannplatz
for the concentration camp “Saurer-Werke” (“Wien-West”)
a sub-camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp
1110, Haidestraße 22
for Austrian Railway Workers in the main workshop of the Austrian Federal
1110, Grillgasse 48
stone for the Austrian fighters in the Spanish Civil War in Vienna’s
Central Cemetery
1110, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234/Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery)
Gate 2 Group 28/Row 42
Crucifixes and Stones for the victims of the Nazi-regime in Vienna’s
Central Cemetery
1110, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234/Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery)
Gate 2 Group 40
of the City of Vienna, dedicated to the victims of the struggle for a free
Austria (1934–1945)
1110, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234/Zentralfriedhof
(Central Cemetery) Gate 2 Group 41, Circle
for the Victims of the Holocaust in the Ceremonial Hall in the New Jewish
Cemetery within Vienna’s Central Cemetery
1110, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 244/Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery)
Gate 4/New Jewish Cemetery
Graves of Hungarian Jews who lost their lives in various camps in the provinces
of Burgenland, Niederösterreich and Vienna in the years 1944/45
1110, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 244/Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery)
Gate 4/New Jewish Cemetery Group 22
Room and Memorial Plaques for Victims of Nazi-euthanasia in the Psychiatric
Hospital of the City of Vienna at Baumgartner Höhe
1140, Baumgartner Höhe 1
Plaque for Hungarian Jewish men and women who were interned at this location
in the years 1944/45
1150, Hackengasse 11 (corner of Goldschlagstrasse)
for the resistance fighter Chaplain Heinrich Maier in the St. Leopold’s
1180, Bischof Faber-Platz
Plaque in the court yard of the High School Schopenhauerstrasse in memory
of 88 Jewish students who were expelled after the Anschluss (annexation of
Austria to the German Reich) in 1938
1180, Schopenhauerstraße 49 (Bundesrealgymnasium Wien XVIII)
of the Austrian Communist Party (KPÖ) for victims of the resistance struggle
of the Austrian workers’ movement
1200, Höchstädtplatz
Court, Memorial Plaque for Anton Schmid, an NCO of the German Wehrmacht who
was executed on April 13, 1942 for saving hundreds of Jewish men and women
in the Vilna Ghetto
1200, Pappenheimgasse 31/Leipziger Straße 38–40 (municipal housing
Plaque in the building of the High School in Karajangasse which served as
a camp and internment location for prisoners of the Gestapo following the
"Anschluss" from March 1938 until 1939
1200, Unterbergergasse 1 (corner of Karajangasse, Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium
Wien XX, entrance Karajangasse 14–16)
Plaque for the Austrian Freedom Fighters Major Karl Biedermann, Alfred Huth,
and Lieutenant Rudolf Ratschke, who were executed in Floridsdorf am Spitz
on April 8, 1945
1210, Am Spitz 1
Plaque for deserters from the German Wehrmacht and members of the Vienna Fire
Brigade who were executed at the former military training place in Kagran
(today: Donaupark)
1220, Arbeiterstrandbadstraße 126
Publication in German language:
Dokumentati- onsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (ed.), Geden-
ken und Mah- nen in Wien 1934-1945. Gedenkstätten zu Widerstand und Verfolgung,
Exil, Befreiung. Eine Dokumen- tation (by Herbert Exen- berger, Heinz Arnberger
and Claudia Kuretsi- dis-Haider), Vienna 1998, 488 pp., 230 photos.
(Supplement I: 2001, 99 pp)
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